

In the United ​States fentanyl ​takes a life ​every 11 minutes

Marissa's Voice is a non-profit organization dedicated ​to providing fentanyl awareness with a focus on ​young adults who are facing mental health disorders ​and trauma. We aim to raise awareness and save lives.

Marissa’s Voice, Inc. 2024

We are

Marissa’s Voice

Established after the tragic loss of Marissa Caitlyn Ladatto, a 21-year-old ​college student who struggled with mental health disorders and trauma while ​juggling school and a part-time job. Marissa's Voice was established in her ​memory as she had turned to illicit drugs to self-medicate, ultimately leading ​to her untimely demise.

It only takes ​this much to ​kill you.

Can you ​spot the ​fake?

Marissa's Voice Inc. is a 501c3 ​approved nonprofit organization ​dedicated to fighting the fentanyl ​epidemic. Our primary goal is to ​educate and provide Narcan to ​young adults and adolescents ​who are struggling with mental ​health and trauma. Fentanyl is ​the leading cause of death for ​adults aged 18-45, and we are ​committed to making a ​difference.

The illicit use of fentanyl has become a growing concern across the ​United States, with many families losing loved ones to this deadly ​drug. According to recent statistics, fentanyl is the leading cause of ​death among adults aged 18-45, and Texas is no exception. ​Shockingly, one out of every four Texans have either directly or ​indirectly been affected by fentanyl's impact, with parents burying ​their children at alarming rates.

Unfortunately, the stigma associated with drug use and addiction ​often prevents us from recognizing the severity of the problem. It is ​essential to understand that addiction is a mental health issue that ​requires support and treatment, not judgment and condemnation. ​Raising awareness about fentanyl's harmful effects is crucial to ​combat this epidemic, and it requires a collective effort beyond ​family members attending rallies and school awareness campaigns.



The illicit use of fentanyl has become a growing concern across the ​United States nonprofit organizations like Marissa's Voice are are ​raising awareness about the dangers of fentanyl use and the mental ​health vulnerabilities that often accompany addiction. It is vital to ​support these initiatives and work towards creating a more inclusive ​and supportive society that supports those struggling with addiction ​and mental health challenges. Together, we can raise awareness and ​prevent further loss of life to this deadly drug.

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Marissa’s Voice, Inc.



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